OpenStack Troubleshooting Notes
OpenStack Troubleshooting Note
A list of various items I find handy while troubleshooting OpenStack
Check the RabbitMQ Queues:
It is useful to be able to check which queues may be growing uncontrollably. This command lets you view only the queues with a non-zero number of messages in them, and see if this is likely because there isn’t a consumer on the queue.
rabbitmqctl list_queues name consumers messages | grep -wv "0$"
Check what queues don’t have any consumers:
rabbitmqctl list_queues name consumers messages | awk '$2=="0" {print}'
Useful Database Operations:
Check the number of security group rules per security group:
select,count(distinct from securitygroups join securitygrouprules on securitygrouprules.security_group_id = group by;
Check the number of security group rules per tenant:
SELECT tenant_id,COUNT(*) AS RuleCount FROM securitygrouprules GROUP BY tenant_id;